When we talk about web development, we all know about JavaScript detection in the current industry and how far it is used correctly? But when it comes to bigger and complex applications, working with Javascript would not be a good choice. And because it lacks some of the features and functionality most web developers feel it does Need to have something more versatile with advanced features and better code structures, that is, if typescript came into picture. And this debate about choosing between typescript and Javascript was long overdue. So, keeping that in mind, we're going to do it talking about the same thing, that's javascript vs typescript. First and foremost, we'll discuss the Basics of Javascript and Typescript. Then how it came about then typescript and javascript functions Why Typescript is currently in demand, which is better to use in terms of compilation, prototyping and data binding. Finally, what would be your expected salary if you choose one of the two. Okay folks, so now without further delay, let's get started. Let's now get into the introductory level of knowledge about Typescript and Javascript and go into more detail.
What is JavaScript:
Javascript is a popular programming language of web technology. It's a scripting language that you can use to create interactive web pages. Javascript is mainly used for client-side creation dynamic pages and the programs we write in JavaScript are called scripts. Scripts can be written in HTML pages (e. g. Notepad, Notepad++) and you can save the source File with extension . html or . js. The programs are executed when the HTML page is loaded. Scripts are executed in plain text and do not require any special preparation or compilation to run these programs. You can run javascript with other technologies like XML, REST, APIs etc.Javascript was developed for large complex Applications, i. e. it only applies to small applications consisting of a few lines of code.
What is TypeScript:
TypeScript is an object-oriented programming language and it's open source. Typescript is a combination of Javascript and some additional features like static typing, classes and interfaces. It contains types. For this reason, this is also known as the modern generation JavaScript development language, a concept called typing in this. With which you can create types, you declare types and you need to ensure that type checking is done during the type compilation process. You can also say that Typescript is a superset of Javascript. TypeScript includes some syntax Functions that you can also build into Javascript code, but do not have to. If you write a javascript it is valid typescript, if you want you can add a little typescript features and still it will be a valid typescript. Even if you add a full typescript function, nevertheless it will be valid in typescript. However, you cannot run TypeScript directly on the browsers as a compiler is needed to compile and generate the javascript file. This is where the source is saved with the extension ".ts".
Now I'll move on to discuss another topic, which is how developers got into it with the idea of ??TypeScript while having JavaScript?.Typescript development via Javascript in the very early days when JavaScript was developed, people used it the same way they did Client-side programming language. However, later developers learned that this may also be the case used as a server-side programming language. As people started using Javascript more and more, it started to get harder and more complex. Because of this, the developers were unable to fulfill the requirement of an object-oriented programming language in JavaScript. That is how TypeScript came into play to fill the gap.
Why Javascript:
Normally, JavaScript is considered a design Tool for small applications containing a few lines of code, i.e. small scripts. You can use JavaScript in any browser,it also allows cross compilation. You can extend JavaScript to large applications.
Why TypeScript:
TypeScript is a superset of Javascript, as I explained earlier. TypeScript also supports JS API documentation and JS libraries. You can convert TypeScript code to pure JavaScript code Typescript is an optionally typed scripting language, which means you can write the source code as If you want to add the input with javascript or complete the input, it applies as per the requirement into TypeScript. TypeScript has object-oriented programming Technology and better code structure compared to JavaScript. If you're using Typescript, it also helps you extend the language beyond that of the default decorators.
Pros of Typescript:
The biggest benefit of using TypeScript is it always flags errors at compile time during development, while if you use JavaScript, errors will be pointed out at runtime.
You can run TypeScript in any browser or JavaScript engine.
TypeScript contains a feature that is strongly typed or supports static typing. And static input helps us in checking for type correctness at compile time. But this function is not available in JavaScript.
Typescript also has a namespace concept of defining a module.
Another benefit of using Typescript is It enables great tooling support with IntelliSense, which provides active hints of how the code is added.
In other words, you can say that TypeScript is nothing but JavaScript and some additional features, e. g. ES6 features. Sometimes it might not be supported in your target browser, but the TypeScript compiler can Also compile the ts files in ES3, ES4 and ES5. Frameworks like Angular2 also use Typescript as a programming language.
Cons of Typescript:
Typically, TypeScript takes longer to compile the code versus javascript.
It doesn't support abstract classes.
When you run the TypeScript application in the browser, a compilation step is required to transform TypeScript to JavaScript.
Functions of Typescript and Javascript:
Let's understand the functions of Typescript and Javascript one after the other. I won't go into detail as we are pressed for time but I try to make it short and sweet.
Function of Javascript:
Javascript is easy to understand and get started. You can use javascript at any client or server side. Javascript is a dynamic language ,flexible and powerful.If you use javascript you can do whatever you want with each object. It has a strong testing workflow. Javascript is a cross-platform language. Javascript is not supported in the framework.
Function of Typescript:
TypeScript can be used anywhere, which means you can Run the source code on any browser, device or operating system (OS). Remember TypeScript is not specific to a virtual machine. If you use TypeScript, you can use existing ones JavaScript code, popular JavaScript libraries included. And you can also call from others JavaScript code as TypeScript supports JS libraries.TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. So, Any code you write in JavaScript is converted to TypeScript by changing the Extension from .js to .ts.TypeScript code is converted to plain JavaScript code because browsers cannot understand the typescript code. So once the code is written then compiled and converted in TypeScript, i.e. translated into JavaScript. and JavaScript code allows browsers to read and display the code. This whole process is referred to as trans-stacked.
Differentiate between Javascript and Typescript
Compilation: In Typescript, errors are highlighted during development time, i. e. compile time. However, since Javascript is an interpreted language, the error of the code is highlighted at runtime itself.
Execution: You cannot execute Typescript directly code in the browser. However, the Javascript code is executed directly in the browser.
Prototyping: Typescript is a feature of prototyping, but Javascript is not.
Note: Since TypeScript is a typed language, developers should use the Type of variables, function parameters and object properties in your code. whereas, Javascript does not require annotations.
Advanced OOp features: Typescript support Classes, inheritance, interfaces, generics and modules. While javascript is a script Language. Typescript considers number and string as an interface, while Javascript thinks of them as objects.
Typescript also has support for modules, while Javascript does not.
Which is better: typescript or javascript?
Well, it depends if you are an experienced developer working on projects or applications which consists of relatively few lines of code, then you should definitely go with JavaScript. But if you have knowledge and experience in the development team, then for applications which have a complex and larger number of codes, Typescript is the most recommended here.
Last but not least, regarding salary aspects, you can check whether you choose one of these options:
Job offer and salary:
According to Indeed.com, there are an average of 27,775 full-time positions open for Javascript developers. Salary ranges from $80,000 to $1,20,000 per year depending on experience and skills. Meanwhile, Full time Typescript Developer jobs are 3,443 and the average salary varies from $90,000 to $1. 25,000 per year depending on the experience of the candidate. Javascript was developed in 1995 and since then developers have been using it and implementing new features always in it. Therefore, javascript job utilization is higher and companies like it Instagram, Airbnb and Codecademy and many more use Javascript.Introduced in November 2012, Typescript is an object-oriented language, so you can use most of advanced oop features like modules, interfaces, generic and other features like static typing and much more not supported in javascript. This is the major Reason why frameworks like Angular 2 also use Typescript.
In conclusion, I would like to add that since JavaScript is an ancient language, the majority of industries have used it and still use it widely, which is one of the reasons why It's a programming language when it comes to web development, right? typescript On the other hand, Typescript is a newcomer and only came onto the market 7 years ago? Right? But ever since it came into the picture, there has been stiff competition for most of the scripting languages ??out there, due to its advanced features. Therefore, it is safe to say that the demand for Typescript will increase in the future compared to javascript. Companies like Clever, Asana, Screen Award and so on are with typescript.The use of Typescript in industry is growing rapidly by the day.